Predicting Volatility: Final Random Forest Model & All the Shots you Don't Take
Predicting Volatility: Support Vector and Random Forest Classifiers
Fractionally Differentiated Price as Feature for Machine Learning Models
The Elusive Predictive Power of VIX
On Correlation among Cryptocurrencies and other Assets
Examples of Fractionally Differentiated Stock Price Series
On Risk Management and Pseudo-Diversification
Simple Technical Analysis for Cryptocurrencies.
Testing a Simple ARIMA Prediction Strategy
Analyzing a Simple Mean Reversion Strategy
Cats and Dogs in the Stock Market (V)
Cats and Dogs in the Stock Market (IV)
Cats and Dogs in the Stock Market (III)
Cats or Dogs in the Stock Market (II)
Cats and Dogs, Convolutional Neural Network for the Market.
Ostirion Consulting Services