Earth observation satellites have become an invaluable resource for information gathering and intelligence generation. Considered in the past a tool designed to provide strategic threat assessments for defense, today’s imagery satellites offer an exceptional level of support to decision-makers in multiple economic areas.
At a day-to-day operations level inside any company, computerized treatment of information is commonplace, which allows the rapid viewing of high-resolution images. Intelligence generation from these images still requires intensive use of human actors delaying decisions. Managers need responsive intelligence that decisively supports business operations on time, thus the need to automate your image processing and intelligence generation activities as much as effectively possible.
Equally, the development of new types of satellite and sensor technology, and the planned launch of new, higher resolution optical satellites in the coming years, show the importance of having a robust image processing pipeline. It will be critical to have Automated SATellite IMagery capabilities (A-SATIM).
OSTIRION can help you with:
The use of A-SATIM to assess and report the composition and capacity of infrastructures.
The use of A-SATIM to report significant features or activity.
The use of A-SATIM to assess and report the composition and capability of economic infrastructure and production facilities.
The use of A-SATIM to analyze and report on crops, water resources, forestry, or soil.
Create rapid intelligence reports to support business decision-makers.
Sample A-SATIM for port usage and status, with approximate vehicle count and activity inference:

For any intelligence automation need you may have, please contact us here.